It's amazing! The power of email marketing is truly the "killer app" of the Internet. If you dropped me anywhere in the world with just a dial-up connection, I guarantee that within 24 hours I could generate an immediate cash surge for you. How? Just by sending out a simple email. It's true. And it doesn't matter if your business is online or off. Simply put, once you know the secret of using email marketing - it's literally like having the power to create cash on demand. Imagine, anytime you need more money, you just hit SEND! Click…Send…Make Money! Frankly, I didn't believe it either until I witnessed results like these from my own email marketing campaigns:
No wonder I love email marketing and who wouldn't when you consider all these incredible benefits:
But before you go off thinking email marketing is some walk in the park - there is one big, glaring problem you need to face… The Truth About Spamming and Opt-in Email Marketing If you've been on the Net for anytime, I'm sure you've heard of spam. That's the name for unsolicited commercial email. Mostly the kind of "get rich quick" and "send me a dollar" pyramid schemes that find their way into your inbox. Many short-term minded marketers feel that since email is practically free they can send out thousands and thousands of emails hoping for a handful of sales while dealing with the risks involved. I don't think that's a good idea. You see, there is a big difference between permission email marketing and spamming. I'm not talking about using software that can harvest emails addresses from the Web or even those CD-ROMs with "10 million email addresses" floating around. The fact is, without getting permission you are just sending out spam and that will land you in some big trouble. I've seen sites shutdown, ISP's cancelled and people basically being "blackballed" from the Internet community. Trust me, it's not pretty. In fact, there is new legislation pending that will make spamming illegal. So not only will you have all kinds of angry prospects - but you could also end up with severe penalties against you. Why would you want to put yourself through any of that? There's no point because getting permission is easy once you start using the strategies I'll tell you about in a moment, plus it produces better results. Now that we got that cleared up… Do You Know What It Takes To Write a Winning Email? If you don't, you're not the only one. For most people drafting an email message that convinces people to part with their hard-earned money isn't as simple as it looks. Most people just don't know where to start, what to say, when to send it, how to not get accused of spam, how to make sure their message gets read, how to ask for the order, or any other number of variables that mean the difference between success and failure. But, now there's good news! There's a new resource that will help you create your own successful emails - and it's called… "Million Dollar Emails: The Greatest Collection of Moneymaking Emails Ever!""Million Dollar Emails" is a new ebook that contains some of the most successful and persuasive emails ever written. It's jam-packed with real life emails that have been proven to work by the top Internet Pros and eCommerce leaders. And, here's the best part, in many of the examples, you'll see the exact numbers and results from their campaigns. Response rates, sales figures, and other insider information all culled from their private records. This information has been totally confidential - until now.
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