Me Five Minutes - And I'll Give You the Best Kept Secrets of the Internet's
Top 'Million Dollar' Gurus !
(Plus, you get the rights to resell this resource
and keep 100% of the profits!)
uncensored answers to the burning
questions you've been dying to ask - from million
dollar marketers like Yanik Silver, Terry
Dean, Jimmy Brown and Joe Vitale - that can ultra-charge
your online income NOW!"
Internet Friend,
I'd hung up the phone, I couldn't help but scream at the top
of my lungs!... I had just completed another confidential
million dollar phone call, that was going to catapult my online
business into ultra high gear within a few days...
was one of the most exciting days of my life!"
you ever wondered why people like Yanik Silver consistently generate bulging six
figure incomes on the Internet year after year, while over 95% of the other
marketing 'experts' can't even turn a meager 4-digit profit?
if you could somehow, get into the minds of some of the very
best Internet marketers of our time, and secretly
discover their most
jealously guarded tips and tricks. The tricks that make
them wizards at their trade!
get down to brass tacks!
bought all the super courses... and signed up for all the killer
ezines... You've read all the insiders' reports and poured over
the million freebie resources... But somehow, you just know
that something's missing.
strong hunch is that when you're finished, you just wished somehow
that you could simply sit down one to one with a real
those fly-by-night, two-bit, wannabes... But someone who is
really generating an online income to be proud of.
like the unbelievable Terry Dean of Biz
Promo, who actually made a documented $33,000 in one weekend in front of 72 live onlookers...
the phenomenal Joe 'Mr.
Fire' Vitale, considered by many as the most
mind-blowing, record shattering copy writer alive in the U.S.
today. (And it's no wonder why... This man actually wrote
a sales piece that produced a 91% response
can't even begin to imagine the truly hypnotic writing powers
of this man. Believe me... I've witnessed his work, and he's
a sight to behold.
about spending even 1/2 hour with the results-only, super
genius that is Yanik
28 year old young man who simply defies all logic, by making
money where others have failed miserably, with marketing techniques
that can unlock even the tightest of wallets! (To the
tune of $20,000 a month with his debut project.)
telling you... If you could just get to chat with these legends,
no holds barred, and have them answer the many questions that
the 'courses' don't, your business could be in for a shot
of steroids that may be lethal... to your competition
that is!
no mistake about it. Trying to squeeze in even a half hour
of private conversation with these guys can cost you
over $250... bare minimum. And, as sure as the earth
is round, it'd be worth every penny and then some.
why what I'm about to say, has gob-smacked almost everyone I've
told it to.
up, 'cause what I'm gonna tell you about is nothing short of
a honey of a deal.
friend of mine, Alex Sampson, somehow managed to get these very
money making experts to volunteer for brain surgery.
chance like no other!
literally sat these guys down, turned on the interrogation lights
real high, and practically grilled them to a crisp, to
get to what most people simply can't seem to figure out... Exactly
how do you make real cash online. No crap!
that's only half the story...
see, through a very special deal, Alex has decided to allow
me to offer you, Volume 1 of these awesome chronicles for next
to nothing. PLUS the chance
to resell it yourself and keep every cent you make!
this didn't come easy.
fact, Alex hasn't even decided if he's going to let the rest
of the Internet in on all the gems he got from the rest
of our top notch team of super marketers.
as part of a very special test, he's broken the information
up into 'Volumes' and has decided to make Volume 1, (his
interview with Yanik Silver), publicly available!
(Not to mention make some enemies in the process!)
I even go into the many nuggets of pure gold that you'll glean
from this very exclusive
first Volume, just keep in mind that over 95% of the "Online-Marketing
centered Internet" is currently desperately in search of
the insight you are about to own!
goes without saying that if you could :-
find out exactly how much money you need to get started online,
to make some serious cash fast, you'd never be second guessing,
and tricked into false hopes again!
exactly how to spend your first $200 online to do everything
from testing a product idea, to driving buckets of targeted
traffic to your site, to generating a steady cash flow,
without ever wasting a dime...
what conversion rates are acceptable to begin rollout with.
This way you can literally guarantee that all your
promotions are highly profitable before you even start!
exactly how Yanik chooses a project that he knows is so hot
he hardly has any work to do selling it! This will work
for you guaranteed!
the two biggest reasons people fail online. Know these
and avoid the pitfalls that other marketers don't even know
you making one of these inexcusable mistakes online? I sure
hope not!
Yanik whisper the secrets to generating 10,000 visitors
to your site in two days with a zero budget!
Mind blowing in simplicity.
what mistakes Yanik made in his first month online, and how
he still turned over $1900 in pure profits, as a 'newbie'.
out the methods Yanik used to grow his list to over 25,000
people. Methods that still work now!
a first hand confession to the tools that he uses daily
to make his profits soar, and his workload minimal.
the very same tests Yanik uses to judge a good piece of copy...
Now you can tweak and perfect you own sales copy till it beats
the pants off of your prospects!
the single biggest piece of advice that any online
guru can give you... This is why an estimated 90% of marketers
end up throwing in the towel.
But it'll never happen to you, as Yanik explains this with
an illustration that'll will stick with me for the rest of
my life!
to good to be true doesn't it?
it probably is. ;-)
mean, how much would it be worth to you, to latch on to these
timeless truths.
I'm only just getting started!
is not theoretical boon-doodle!
are Yanik's actual day to day tactics that seriously
make him money.
you are scared of stuffing your bank account,
please STOP reading now!
now you're probably wondering how in the world you could get
your hands on this resource.
seeing as Alex, was honestly considering, (somewhat selfishly
may I add ;-) not to allow one word of these hush-hush sessions
to slip out into the open. And to keep empowering his
own business, using the secrets himself.
I mentioned before, if you tried to pay for such an interview
yourself, you'd probably spend well within the hundreds. At
least $250!
of course most of us, would have no idea what to ask, and we'd
probably sadly waste most of that time anyway.
not Alex! Having been at this for over two years, he has a pretty
good handle on exactly what to suggestively ask to get
cash magnet answers... Believe me!
simply wouldn't allow Yanik to shy away from a question, in
a relentless search for a profitable response!
the professional prodding in addition to the time and effort
taken to actually have these conversations transcribed into
a silver platter meal, should easily jack this resource
up to say $350.
of course there's the scarcity factor. You simply don't know
if you'll be seeing any more of these undercover 'chats'
ever again.
bottom line is this, as said by one of the readers of Grilling
the Net Gurus - Volume 1 :-
interview with Yanik is a revealing insight into
this extraordinary marketer.
is a must-read for anyone who's striving to build a
successful and profitable web business."
Mickey Wong -
the truths gleaned from this resource can literally translate
into solid cash within days! So let me go back to the question
I had asked you earlier... How much is all of this worth to
350... $400...? $1000...?
me give it to you straight... We are not talking about some
over-hyped 'has-been'.
giving you a chance to get in on the deceptively simple,
but ultimately 'pay-dirt' solutions of a crack shot marketer,
who is 'doing it' today, even as we speak.
the time it takes you to read this letter, he can probably make
more cash than you do in a month.
here's what... I understand that the average Joe who needs this,
is either :-
Tired of spending money on 'resources' and not seeing much
returns, or
Simply can't afford to or otherwise won't pay the street value
price for the info inside.
what's more is that I don't want you to lose your shirt over
me be up front with you. If you're buying this to discover the
8th wonder of the world... FORGET IT!
8th wonder, "buy-me-and-succeed-guaranteed" nonsense
isn't marketing... It's hype, and I'm not into that.
into simplistic ground zero info that works! In my mind
hype and 'effortless-make-you-rich-just-for-buying' products
are a cancer of the Internet, that should be stamped out.
if you've ever been curious as to what it'd be like to
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the fact that it's easily worth over $350, and that it
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hard work of course. Don't let anyone lie to you)... If
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you get access to Grilling
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that's not even the tip of the iceberg.
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made an outrageous promise earlier, and I intend to keep it.
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you were wondering about the value before, allow me to seal
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reprint rights alone are worth well over $350... Yes
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easily $700... You are paying only
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making one sale of this resource after that, puts your money
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trust me, that would be easy as pie, because not only do you
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can't be any fairer than that, yet I'm still gonna try...
my better-than-risk-free-ironclad guarantee to you.
you purchase this resource and don't find anything inside
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get this... You can even KEEP THE EBOOK as my gift to
even got one full year to check it out!
simply cannot lose.
sometimes I'm a bit nutty, even naive. But I think that most
folks are more honest than we give them credit for.)
urge you to take action now.
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owe it to yourself.
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Zac Hewlett
I kid you not! Due to the overwhelming response to this,
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