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Internet Millionaire Corey Rudl reveals the secrets of... "How to choose products that'll be gobbled up by thousands of online buyers -- then monopolize your market and automate 90% of your business -- creating a 'hands-free' income that you can maintain in less than an hour per day." With
his new guidebook, "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet in Just
Four Simple Steps," you'll build multiple income streams -- repeatedly
-- using the same 4-step formula he's personally used to make $6.2 million
per year online. Dear Friend: Imagine yourself one year from today. Armed with the proven internet marketing strategies of marketing expert Corey Rudl, your business is exploding. You've won links from hundreds of high-traffic web sites, you're making good money in advertising revenue, and perhaps you've even launched an affiliate program (without the usual headaches)! Your orders are coming in automatically. Your products are shipped automatically. Your customers' credit cards are processed online in real-time. And their money is deposited to your bank account automatically. You're shocked by the magnitude of your bank account. But then you think back to today and remember reading this: When Fortune Magazine listed the 40 wealthiest Americans under the age of 40, almost all of them were Internet entrepreneurs. Guys like these:
Hearing about obscene fortunes like these can make you eager to get in the game. But if you understand business, you also realize that you're racing against time. With each passing day, more and more of your competitors are winning the customers, brand names, popularity, and money that could've been yours. You're Racing Against Time That's why you need Corey's new guidebook -- "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet in Just Four Simple Steps." In it, you'll discover the same tested and proven money-making secrets he personally used to transform his one-man business (which he started in his basement) into a multi-million dollar enterprise -- in just 5 years. In fact, right here in this letter, you'll find out how people like you made fortunes on the internet (far surpassing their expectations!) -- without web sites, and even without products for sale! Then, if you accept this risk-free offer and grab Corey's revolutionary new guidebook, "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet In Four Simple Steps..."
Have Over 360,000 Small Businesses Chosen Corey
Check out this picture of Corey on the Maury Povich TV Show:
Makes This Guidebook So Different From Are you skeptical about "how to" books that make wild claims? Well, if you are, you're smart. Because there are a lot of books out there that are full of fluff and useless material. But think about this:
Corey makes over $6.2 million online each year. And he's distilled his secrets down to a tested, proven, and guaranteed four-step system that anyone can duplicate. You'll be privy to real-world case studies. And you'll discover the same internet business strategies he personally used, repeatedly, to create ongoing income streams... and make millions online. If you haven't launched your online business yet, you'll learn to guarantee, in advance, that the business you choose will take off. If you already own an Internet business, you'll be able to compare your business to these four criteria, and determine where your weaknesses are -- so you can conquer them and make more money. "Are you telling me I'm going to make $6.2 million like Corey?" The
Crucial Difference Between This Guidebook And There are a few other legitimate Internet authorities. And their material is good. However, because they focus on individual marketing techniques, you can easily "miss the forest for the trees." Here's an example: Using time management techniques, Stephen Covey explains that you can get things done faster... Step harder on the gas... Become more efficient... But if it turns out that you're heading in the wrong direction, what good is "going faster?" Your Internet business is the same...
Corey's new guidebook shows you how to avoid these blunders, see the critical "big picture," and guarantee your profits from day one. For example, you'll learn how to:
Of The Easiest Ways To Make Money Online Have Web hosts, web designers, and web marketing companies all push you to build a web site. Why? So they can profit from you. Yes, a web site is great to have. But even without one -- and even without products -- you can make buckets of money online. Here are two examples of the simple-but-brilliant businesses you'll discover in Corey's guidebook. What's astounding is that neither of these guys needed web sites!
As you can see, you can mine truckloads of money from the Internet -- even without your own web site, and even without selling products. NOTE: If you want to sell products, you'll learn how to choose a product that's guaranteed to be chased down by thousands of online buyers. And you'll know this in advance -- before spending a dime on marketing. You
Don't Have To Be Wealthy -- Question: Are the two guys you just read about smarter than you? How hard is it to promote a free newsletter? Your main "work" is sending a message to your e-mail list once a week. Whew -- that's really grueling. (Hardly!)
Corey Rudl is Living Proof That You Can Start From Zero When Corey first started out at home, in his basement, he was 16 years old. He didn't have any fancy degrees or a lot of money. He was just persistent. The fact is, thousands of average people (and many below average!) are earning high six-figure incomes on the Internet. You don't have to be a genius. You just have to know the rules of the game. Here are some more of the things you'll learn:
If you have a web site, or plan to build one, you'll blow the roof off your business with these additional tested, proven, and guaranteed strategies:
You'll read about case studies and concrete examples where these techniques are implemented in a real business environment to make real money -- these are not just abstract theories. And you get all this for a risk-free $37 investment. Yes, only $37! And that's why I recommend this book to my visitors. I bought Corey's flagship Internet marketing course, Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet, long ago and it's really good. But I've never thought of promoting it. Why? Simply because of its price, $197. You would have to be rich already to justify paying $197 for a book. Why
Are These Million-Dollar Strategies Being Offered As mentioned, thousands of entrepreneurs have grown their profits with Corey's extensive $197 home-study course, Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet. But in his low-priced "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet" guidebook, Corey boils down his explosive 4-step formula because he know that...
If you search most of their web sites, you won't find ANY real credentials. (That's why Corey's credentials are listed above.) If you're like 90% of people who see these credentials, you're convinced that Corey Rudl is the real deal. But for the other 10% -- the hardcore skeptics who have trouble making a buying decision (because there are so many similar books and courses) -- a risk-free $37 decision would be much easier than a $197 commitment. Don't you agree? And that's the second reason why Corey has made this guidebook available for so little. It allows him to prove (even to the skeptics) that his million dollar strategies are everything they're meant to be. In short, it's a worthwhile for Corey to earn your trust with a low-priced product. Get
These Four Extra Bonuses If You're Among It seems Corey got a little carried away when he wrote his new guidebook, "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet in Just Four Simple Steps." He just couldn't stop writing! But he couldn't fit all this extra material into his already jam-packed guidebook, so he created another eBook and put it aside. Well, I convinced him to let me buy that eBook -- even though it's not available to the public! -- and now I'm giving this time-sensitive material to you as FREE bonus! The four bonus reports in the eBook are so spectacular that I just had to let this cat out of the bag... but I promised Corey I'd limit it to 1,000 people. If you try to get this bonus eBook after the first thousand are gone, you'll have missed out on your chance to find out...
Note: These bonuses are not available to the public at any price. And they're yours forever, whether you keep the guidebook or not! Additionally,
I'm giving you 5 more bonus eBooks
Plus, "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet In Four Simple Steps..." comes with my personal satisfaction, no questions asked, risk-free guarantee ...
I'm not going to use a script to tell you that this offer is going to be expired at midnight of Saturday March 29 2025. You are smart enough to see through these kinds of tricks. The truth is that I do have to take out bonus items soon and I'm considering increase the price as I have put a lot of hard work and money into this package. I can't keep giving away these great internet business materials for free too much longer... but what I can guarantee is that everyone who orders TODAY will receive the above bonuses for FREE. I sincerely suggest that you Act Now. The bottom line is this: Corey's done the hard work for you. He spent tens of thousands of dollars to find out the truth -- what really works and what doesn't. And then he boiled away all the "fluff," and distilled his knowledge down to a four-step formula that you can implement immediately. And these are the same four steps that companies pay him $1,280/hour to learn. Isn't it worth $37 to own tens of thousands of dollars worth of marketing knowledge? ...To skip the hurdles? ...To get on the fast track right now? In just a few minutes, you can own turn-by-turn directions leading you down the fast track to Internet wealth. Guaranteed. And if you start using Corey's strategies today, you'll be hundreds (or thousands) of dollars richer by the time your credit card bill arrives next month. So why wade through piles of "how to" information, trying to figure out what really works and what doesn't? Why get overwhelmed by hundreds of methods for marketing online, most of which are just regurgitated by "professional" information marketers -- folks who haven't personally used the techniques they're selling you? Why Waste The Next Year Of Your Life? Why waste the next year of your life -- and let your competitors gobble up market share that could've been yours -- when you can immediately profit from the tested, proven, and guaranteed strategies of an Internet marketing expert? If you grasp how powerful you'll be, once you know how to find these untapped markets (that are ready to burst with revenue!), monopolize them, and automate your sales processes, click here to order your copy of "How to Create a Fortune on the Internet in Just Four Simple Steps". You'll instantly receive your eBook -- so you can start profiting right away. Order Corey Rudl's guidebook today, before your competitors do! Sincerely, Zac Hewlett P.S. You can always order the guidebook at a later date. But remember, to get the four time-sensitive bonus reports, you must be among the next 1,000 people to order.